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Exploring for High Grade Epithermal Gold Deposits

Japan Gold is a Canadian publicly traded company focused on the exploration for high-grade gold deposits in Japan. The Company holds a large portfolio of tenements which cover areas with known gold occurrences, a history of mining and are prospective for high-grade epithermal gold mineralization. Japan Gold’s leadership team has decades of resource industry and business experience, and its team of geologists and technical advisors have extensive experience exploring and operating in Japan.

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Single Country Focus
Large land package of mineral rights
Highly prospective underexplored terrain
Priority targets in areas near historic gold mines
Proven Management with record of discoveries
Strategic Partnerships
Politically safe, stable and supportive jurisdiction
Ready to drill targets

Japan Gold Corp.’s leadership team has long recognized Japan’s prospectivity for gold, silver and copper. When Japan’s Mining Act was changed in 2012 to re-activate the mining industry since its closure during WWII, Japan Gold moved quickly to review historical data and identify key exploration targets and was the first foreign exploration company to apply for prospecting licenses.

The company has built an expansive portfolio on Japan's three largest islands, Hokkaido, Honshu, and Kyushu covering areas with reported gold occurrences.

New exploration search space focused on deeper exploration

Japan is underexplored at depth. Historic gold mining has been concentrated on shallow, near surface mines. Japan Gold has identified new search space near and beneath historic mines, within the shadow of the headframe and in areas that have demonstrated high-level alteration and geochemistry.

In Japan, all levels of government support mining exploration as a stimulus to local economies.

Ideal geologic setting

Underexplored Terrain Using Modern Methods

A History of High Grade Gold Mining

Barrick Gold Alliance

Low Geopolitical Risk

Established Infrastructure

Mining Friendly Policies

60% Institutional Investment

Japan Gold has an Alliance with Barrick Gold Corporation to jointly explore, develop and mine certain gold projects with the potential to host a Tier 1 or Tier 2 gold ore bodies. The Barrick Alliance is focused on four priority projects.

Barrick Gold Corp. must sole fund Japan Gold projects through the completion of a bankable feasibility study (“BFS”) in order to earn a 75% interest.

Barrick requires projects to have the potential to host either a Tier 1 (>5M ounces with annual production of .5M ounces of gold) or Tier 2 (>3M ounces with annual production of .3M ounces of gold for 10 years) ore body to advance under the alliance.

Initial Evaluation Phase
Barrick funded an Initial 2.5-year Evaluation Phase of 29 projects. Japan Gold was the Operator of each project.
Second Evaluation Phase
Barrick has selected 3 projects to advance to a Second Evaluation Phase
Identification of a Designated Project
Barrick may identify a project as a Designated Project and may elect to solely fund the completion of a pre-feasibility study.
Upon completion of a PFS
Barrick will earn a 51% interest upon the completion of a Pre-Feasibility Study.
Completion of a BFS
Barrick will earn a 75% interest upon the completion of a Bankable Feasibility Study. Japan Gold retains a 25% interest in the project.

Japan Gold project map
Japan Gold interactive map
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North Hokkaido, Kitami Region

Barrick Alliance Priority Project: Hakuryu

Japan Gold Projects: Sanru, Ikutahara (Saroma-Jomon, Kitano-Showa, Ryuo), Numanoue, Kanehana, Kamimuri, Aitbetsu

Kitami Metallogeni Province Tenement Status



Noto Peninsula

Barrick Alliance Priority Project: Togi

Japan Gold Projects:
Togi Extension

Togi Tenement Status Map



Middle Kyushu

Japan Gold Projects:
North Taio

Middle Kyushu tenement status map



Southern Kyushu

Barrick Alliance Priority Project: Ebino

Japan Gold Projects: Tobaru, Tobaru-Fuke, Isa, Gumyo, Kurino, Onoyama, Mizobe-Onoyama, Mizobe West, Onoyama-Yamagano, Ohra-Takamine, OT-Yaeyama, Kushikino-Iriki, Kowa, Mizobe

Hokusatsu Tenement Status

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