The Ebino Project is located within the Hokusatsu Mining District of Southern Kyushu, Japan's largest gold-producing district. The centre of the project area is located 10km north of the Hishikari Mine. Hishikari is one of the highest-grade Tier 1 gold mines in the world. The Hishikari Mine produced approximately 8.5 million ounces of gold between 1985-2023 at an average grade of 30-40 g/t Au and is Japan’s only gold mine that is still operating today.
The Ebino Project is centred on an area of high-level epithermal alteration, characterised as discrete silica zones haloed by strong clay-pyrite alteration. Three distinct targets have been defined:
- Otsuka (2.5km x 0.5km)
- KZ (2.0 km x 1.0km)
- Masaki (3.5km x 3.5km)
These targets are associated with high level alteration assemblages (Alunite + Kaolinite+ Dickite) and residual -vuggy silica. Anomalous pathfinders are coincident with the alteration. No significant Au anomalies have been identified to date.