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  • TSX-V: JG     OTCQB: JGLDF       




  • Targets include high level epithermal gold systems and deeper potential porphyry targets.
  • The project area contains one large epithermal, advanced argillic alteration (AAA) lithocap, the eastern edge of another large AAA lithocap, and an epithermal gold vein prospect.
  • The two lithocaps at Minamikayabe are known as Mitsumoriyama in the western part of the project and Nukeishi in the northeast.
  • MMAJ undertook studies during the 1990’s, during this program, two diamond holes were drilled in the Minamikayabe area.
  • One hole tested the western lithocap (Mitsumoriyama) and intersected a 300-m thick zoned advanced argillic body comprising alunite, vuggy-silica and associated high-temperature minerals. Quartz veins distributed across the advanced argillic zone between 0.1 to 6cm wide gave gold values between 1 and 2 ppm, highlighting, the potential for a disseminated, bulk-tonnage gold resource in the lithocap. The collar of this hole is located within a few hundred meters, but outside, of the project boundary.
  • The second drill hole tested the Hokko-Minami epithermal veins within the tenement, about 1.5 km east of the western lithocap, and returned an intercept of 17.7 g/t Au in a 30-cm wide quartz-adularia vein at about 100 m below surface.